August 10, 2023

Why Older People Love Pickleball So Much

Prepare to get your butt kicked by your elders!
Prepare to get your butt kicked by your elders!

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Posuere enim mi pharetra neque proin vulputate blandit ultrices

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Pickleball has actually been around for decades, but it's recently become very popular among folks of all ages, especially the older crowd. In this article, we'll talk about why they love it so much:

  • First, this sport is easy to learn and play
  • Second, there are different levels of play available to suit any skill
  • Third, it's a great aerobic workout
  • Finally, it's a sport that's a bit easier on joints 

So, if you're looking for something fun that will get you moving (maybe after retirement or an injury), pickleball is the perfect activity!

It's a game that's easy to learn and play

Pickleball is a paddle sport that is played on a badminton-sized court, with a net that's lower than the net in badminton and higher than the net in tennis. Because of the smaller court size—compared to tennis—many people find it easier to maneuver and play. 

The ball used for pickleball is also larger and a bit heavier than a tennis ball. That makes it much easier for players of all ages to hit because they can put more force behind their swings. Much less worrying about hurting themselves or others nearby.

There are different levels of play.

Like many other team sports, there are different levels of competition. Many folks play with friends or in a league that lines up with their age/skill level. They may even partake in a league hosted by a local park and rec. 

Now, with the spread of pickleball at gyms, we see these operators separating their tournaments and gameplay by different skill level. Newbies and experience folks, as well as those on the elder side, definitely appreciate it!

(There are more pickleball courts near me than ever before)

You got right. Like we said, pickleball is exploding in popularity, and gyms have taken notice. As of August 2023, we count 161 gyms with a court!

It's such a great aerobic workout. Be sure to try out these warm-up exercises.

You've seen the back and forth, running and jumping, cutting and hitting. Yep, pickleball is a great aerobic workout. Even if you're not playing in an organized league, there are exercises you can do before and after pickleball that will help preserve your body:

  • A good warm-up should include some light stretches of the arms, legs and back. Stretching increases blood flow to muscles which helps prevent injury while playing pickleball or any other sport. 
  • Try doing some gentle lunges while holding one arm straight out in front of you (as if holding a paddle), or raise both arms above your head as far as possible without straining yourself too much--you might want someone else around just in case! 
  • Warming up also helps prepare for more intense exercises later on such as sprinting or jumping jacks (where each person jumps up off their feet quickly).

It's easy on the joints, but still challenging enough for players of all skill levels.

Well let's be honest: any type of movement where you shift your body quickly isn't the best for your joints—but pickleball is absolutely less impactful than tennis. Same goes with basketball, where the toll of physical play can wreck your joints. That's why you'll see folks of all ages gravitate to pickleball (and golf!). 

You'll still be able to face some tough competition, but in a way that won't give your body a beating. Would you still be sore in the morning? Possibly, depending on your conditioning. Just know that a sport like pickleball is quite forgiving in the long run!

Wrapping it up

If you're looking for a way to stay active and healthy, pickleball may be the perfect sport for you. It's easy to learn, and you're guaranteed to find competition that's in your range. Plus, your joints will thank you from not playing a full-contact support—and you'll still find it challenging.

You can see why older folks might love this game. And with more and more gyms offering it up, pickleball is the perfect pairing to your everyday gym workout.

Looking for a pickleball court at a local gym? Be sure to check out our complete list!

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