Open 24 Hours
3 min read

Is Chuze Fitness open 24 hours a day?

Written by
Melissa B
Updated On
May 17, 2024

Is Chuze Fitness open 24 hours a day?

Alright, is Chuze Fitness open 24-hours-a-day?

You got it. Of their 60 total locations, exactly 13 of them are open 24/7. There is a caveat/twist to their plans though. We reveal why these clubs get to party all night long.

So, which locations from Chuze are open 24/7?

Chuze gyms with all-night-hours are only available in Florida. That's right: their core, "original" gyms located in California, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and Georgia close their doors every night.

Why do we say "original"?  Because those 13 all-night-hour gyms in Florida were originally Bailey's gyms, purchased in 2023.

Tell me more about Chuze's all night hours. Is it staffed?

Yep, Chuze gyms that are open all night are staffed 24/7. That means you'll always see a Chuze employee at all hours of the day. Your same check-in routine during daytime applies to late night workouts. (Unstaffed gyms open 24/7 operate like hotels—you beep in with a card/key-fob). 

Is a staffed or unstaffed gym better than the other? We don't think it matters too much, but a staffed location:

  • Has employees that can help with general issues. That's for login/membership, purchasing retail items, broken equipment or even changing the channel on tv's.
  • Gives you peace of mind that someone is nearby, if anything at all is needed.
  • In an emergency situation (earthquake, fire, health, accident), a trained employee can lend a hand or even alert you to the issue.
Why aren't all Chuze gyms open all night long?

We're not quite sure, but there are a few things to think about. A Chuze gym with all-night hours comes with some challenges, and a combination of these things will drive the gym chain to determine if the location should be open or not:

  • Is the city/county in which the club resides "OK" with the hours? Smaller locales actually restrict hours to a certain time, to balance safety, crime and police/first resources.
  • What safety requirements are needed to maintain a gym in case something goes wrong? Are the workers trained properly in emergency situations?
  • Is there enough demand from the members? It's obviously a small portion of users who need to workout late.
  • Does the gym have enough staffing/resources to support all-night-hours? Smaller, boutique gyms may only have a few employees.

Will Chuze eventually open all their clubs up 24/7?

This is an interesting case. When Chuze bought the Bailey's chain, they allowed those 13 locations to operate a bit independently. Meaning, they didn't immediately change everything to Chuze standards.... and that goes for the 24-hour-a-day amenity as well. 

Will we see a west-coast Chuze location test out late night hours? Its entirely possible: they're learning how to manage, how to budget, and seeing if all-night-hours makes sense for their members over in Florida.

This might even be necessary—24 Hour Fitness and EoS Fitness also operate in Southern California with locations open all night. Anytime Fitness is also 24/7 competition, but their amenities are significantly less robust.

Time will tell, and we're all in for the added competition! Be sure to check back often as we update with new info.

So what time are non-24/7 Chuze gyms open?

At Chuze, the majority of their ""non-24"" opening hours is pretty standard, and should cover most people's workout times. For their Vancouver, Washington location:

  • Monday: 5:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 5:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 5:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Thursday: 5:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Friday: 5:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Saturday: 7:00 AM – 7:00 PM
  • Sunday: 8:00 AM – 7:00 PM

Even without the all night hours, we'd say this is just ok. We've seen many other gyms have a standard 5:00 AM to 11:00 PM for every day of the week.

Looking for another location with 24/7 hours?

We've got you covered. This is the largest list of gyms with all-night-hours:

Wrapping it up with Chuze

The popular gym chain does indeed offer up 24/7 hours, but only to a select grouping of clubs. Those on the East Coast—Florida specifically—are able to get a late night workout in. These 13 locations were originally Bailey's gyms, purchased by Chuze in 2023. 

We're unsure if new clubs on the West Coast will get the amenity, but we're tracking it close and will always keep you updated. 

Tell us in the comments below if you'd like to see this happen!

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Chuze Fitness by the numbers


Total Chuze Fitness gyms tracked

Total amount of locations we're tracking from this fitness chain.


Gyms open 24/7

How many of those locations are confirmed to be open 24-hours-a-day.


Percent of locations open 24/7

Percentage of gyms from this fitness chain that are open 24-hours-a-day.

Ok! Show me the list of gyms from Chuze Fitness that are open 24-hours-a-day!

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